Two nominees for non-teaching staff election to the Board

Two candidates have been nominated to represent the non-teaching staff on the Board of Governors:
* Mary Louise Beecroft, research nurse/co-ordinator, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
* Debbie Nifakis,psychologist, Centre for Student Development
The candidates' resumes may be viewed at the Board of Governors election Web site via the link below. This site contains other information about election requirements for the Board of Governors, including information on obtaining a PIN.
The election will be conducted on line between 9 a.m., Tuesday, April 18 and 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 20.
Eligible voters who do not have access to the Web may use a facility at the following locations during normal working hours, unless otherwise stated:
GH-B106 (staff lounge)
KTH-B109 (staff lounge)
KTH-B110 (student computer lab)(This facility will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on election days).
Voters who require assistance in gaining access to the Web and casting their votes should come to the Board of Governors office (UH-115).
The winner of the election will serve a three-year term, commencing July 1.