This Month with the President: Learning is lifelong
The 2018 Winter semester has come to an end.
Students are preparing for graduation, jobs, summer school, or planning to travel. McMaster’s President Patrick Deane wants students to know that learning is lifelong and that the knowledge gained in the classroom is only a fraction of the learning that can occur experientially.
“Personal growth has intellectual, and emotional, and experiential dimensions,” says Deane. “Summer is the time for experiential learning and so too is that time after graduation for students who have finished up their degree program.”
For students who are interested in more formal learning throughout their summer, McMaster fosters experiential learning in lots of ways. There are opportunities available through the Student Success Centre, the McMaster Students Union, Open Circles, the Office of Community Engagement, and more.
“No matter the journey students embark on throughout the summer, the experience will contribute to their growth.”