Students put themselves on display in Gilmour Hall

From left to right: Ianitza Vassileva, Joshua Lewis, Alicia Giansante, middle row: David Yoon, Rachel Wiesner, Christopher Mcleod, bottom row: Mary-Cathryn Bartolucci, Miguel Chavez, and Olivia Rozema
A selection of works from the second year painting course Studio Practice and Criticism are on display outside the President’s Office in Gilmour Hall.
The self-portraits were painted in the 2012 winter term under the supervision of John Ford.
“The challenges of this assignment are many,” said Judy Major-Girardin, associate professor in the School of the Arts. “Self-portraits require an intense examination of both outer appearance and inner personality. These second year students not only achieved remarkable accuracy in creating a self-portrait, but they also applied individual interpretation that resulted in the expressive variety you see in this exhibition.”
Exhibitions will take place in the hallway on a rotating basis.