Students give McMaster A- for quality of education


The Globe and Mail issued its annual University Report Card today and McMaster students gave the University strong grades in many key areas.

  • Quality of education: A- (second highest ranking)
  • Academic reputation: A-
  • Faculty members' knowledge of subject: A
  • Reputation for conducting leading-edge research: A
  • Sense of personal safety: A
  • Most satisfied students: B+
  • Quality of teaching: B+
  • Campus atmosphere: B+
  • Attractiveness of campus: B+
  • Student services: B

    McMaster changed categories in this year's ranking, moving into the grouping of large universities with over 22,000 students. More than 43,000 students across the country completed the questionnaire.

    “The Report Card provides a snapshot of what students think about the university and McMaster clearly provides students with the quality academic experience and student services they believe are important,” said provost Ilene Busch-Vishniac. “It also helps identify areas where we need to find ways to do better, including class sizes, class scheduling and the availability of scholarships and bursaries.”

    The complete Report Card is available online.