State of the Academy livestream on Wednesday March 1

Provost Susan Tighe invites McMaster faculty, students, staff and community members to tune in to the 2023 State of the Academy address.
Provost Susan Tighe is delivering the State of the Academy address on Wednesday March 1, highlighting some key initiatives and critical projects at the university, as well as offering a snapshot of McMaster’s successes and a look ahead to the work yet to come.
Tighe’s address, which she will deliver in the Concert Hall of L.R. Wilson Hall, will be also be livestreamed on McMaster’s YouTube channel on Wednesday March 1 from 2:30 p.m to 3:30 p.m., and will be CART captioned.
While registration to attend in person is full, community members are invited to tune in to the livestream. A recording will also be made available to the public.
“Supporting students is at the centre of what we do and this year’s address will show that our faculty and staff have truly honoured that commitment despite the challenges of the past year.”
Expect updates on enrolment, research funding, academic achievement and campuswide work in support of innovation, as well as highlights from the year past shared by each of McMaster’s six faculties and across campus.
Tighe will also discuss important initiatives and explain how they support the institutional priorities in McMaster’s Strategic Plan. These include:
- The graduate funding working group
- The Strategic Alignment Funds and the Strategic Excellence and Equity in Recruitment and Retention (STEER/R) program
- Mental health supports and resources
- Black cohort hiring
- Strategic Alignment Funds initiatives
- Indigenous Studies Department
- Partnered in Teaching and Learning: McMaster’s Teaching and Learning Strategy
- MacPherson Institute progress review
Students, faculty, staff and community members will have the opportunity to ask questions — in person or online — during a 15-minute Q&A with Tighe after her address.