Staff survey follow-up project: Next steps

The following was submitted by members of the Leadership Group for the Staff Survey Follow-up Project:
It has been a long process so far, and there is much left to do. The work groups have made their recommendations, the leadership group has read them, and discussed them, and now we are one step closer to implementing changes that will improve the quality of our communications, staff involvement, staff development and recognition programs (the four areas given low scores in the 1999 Staff Survey).
The leadership group would like first to recognize the accomplishments of the work group team members. There cannot be enough said about their commitment and dedication to this project. They each accepted their responsibility under a very challenging time frame. The result is a list of recommendations, some 21 in all, that are wisely and thoughtfully crafted. We should be proud of these recommendations.
Common themes permeate the four teams' recommendations. Repeatedly, we are told that effective communication is a key success factor. Not only must we increase access to information through various media, we must also create the environment that promotes, encourages, engages and supports the participation of all staff in the decision forum.
The teams also identified the need to recognize, value and respect each others' contributions to the University. At all levels, we need to celebrate our accomplishments, treat each other fairly and consistently, and strive for excellence in our performance.
It is the decision of the leadership committee to accept all of the rcommendations submitted by the work groups. This being said, we recognize that as we begin implementation there may be a need to modify a recommendation, while maintaining its overall principle, to meet certain requirements.
It is early in the process and difficult for us to predict all of the curves that we may face. This places before us a challenge to effectively implement these changes within a reasonable time frame.
Here is our plan. Our first review of the recommendations has been completed and a time frame has been assigned to each recommendation. It is our goal to work towards these dates. Through the process there will be quarterly reports on the progress of implementation. During the summer, we will be organizing the implementation team, selecting our external consultant and developing a detailed implementation plan.
Your involvement is essential to the success of this project. We will require individuals to participate on various implementation work groups. During this period of renewal and innovation, we look forward to creating an energetic and creative environment at the University. This will be a very exciting time and we look forward to your participation in the process.
The reports and our plans will be introduced in more detail at two town hall meetings next week: Tuesday, June 27, 11 a.m.-12 noon in the Health Sciences Centre, Room 1A1, and Wednesday, June 28 from 3-4 p.m. in Convocation Hall. The latest information will be available on the McMaster Staff Survey Web site
As you read through the report, if you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to contact any member of the leadership group (
Leadership Group:
Karen Belaire,
Peter George,
Gillian Howard(Ray Procwat),
Lynn Hruczkowski,
David Kidney,
Harvey Weingarten,
Jennifer Wesson-Howes,
Mary Williams.