Seminar series for chairs and admin. co-ordinators begins today

A new seminar series developed specifically for University chairs and directors and administrative co-ordinators begins today. About 40 people, many of them new to their positions, are expected to attend the first seminar, which will provide an orientation to academic administration.
The goal of this seminar series is to increase even further the quality of administration across academic departments and programs, says University provost and vice-president academic Harvey Weingarten.
These seminars will provide a forum for effective, easy and efficient bilateral communication between the academic administrators in the departments and schools and at more senior levels. They will also provide the opportunity for focused training on matters and processes that are important to administration of the academy.
The series will help to ensure that departments and schools have the skills and knowledge to operate in an administrative environment that has become increasingly complex and regulated. Department chairs, directors and administrators will also be better equipped to deal with staff and faculty recruitment and management issues, says Weingarten. “These seminars should help address some of the concerns raised by employees in the Reacon survey.”
The seminar series was developed following recommendations and suggestions from administrative co-ordinators and chairs and directors who participated in focus group discussions during the summer. Group members identified a need for seminars which:
* focus on generic management issues such as effective management skills, conflict management and performance reviews;
* address the specific work of the departments and school, such as faculty and staff hiring and the tenure and promotion processes; and
* highlight University issues that may affect the administration of departments and provide an opportunity to discuss issues of concern with senior administrators.
The Administrative Seminars 2000-2001 consists of seminars on specific topics suggested by the focus groups and scheduled open meetings with the provost and vice-president administration Karen Belaire. This series complements and is integrated with management workshops offered through the Doorways program, presented by Human Resources.
The seminars will be held throughout the year. Topics covered will include: hiring of faculty and staff, management skills, dealing effectively with unacceptable employee behaviour, performance reviews, conflict management and resolution, and rewards, recognition and motivation.