Provincial government extends deadline for matches to student financial aid

The provincial government has extended the deadline for contributions to the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund (OSOTF) and it will match contributions designated for student financial aid received from April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000.
From 1997 to March 31, 1999, considerable funds for student financial aid were raised under the OSOTF (called McSof at McMaster). Any donations received by March 31, 1999 under this initiative were matched one-to-one by the provincial government. Under OSOTF, funds are endowed to generate financial aid in perpetuity and are designated for students from Ontario.
Many individuals and corporations, including McMaster University staff and faculty, established named funds in memory or in honour of individuals. These contributions, in addition to those contributed to a general fund, have enabled and will enable hundreds of Ontario students to receive financial assistance each year.
For more information about making a contribution, contact Judith Drost Storey at ext. 27604 or e-mail