Posted on Sept. 9: Researchers research resources, results

Those seeking information on research funding should make a point of stopping by the new University Student Centre Tuesday.
McMaster's Office of Research Services is hosting a Research, Resources and Results Fair on Sept. 10 in the student centre market place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Thirteen research sponsors, including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Ontario Centres of Excellence — Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology and Ontario Innovation Trust will be on hand to answer questions and provide students and faculty with research material and information.
“Faculty can expose themselves to potential funding opportunities at the research fair,” says Emmi Morwald, director of research services. “Students can also talk to sponsors who might have opportunities for them when they graduate.”
The fair will expose faculty to potential funding opportunities they may not otherwise have pursued, adds Donna Burns, assistant director of grants, in the Office of Research Servives. “It will also provide a forum for them to obtain information about funding opportunities, guidelines for applications and meet representatives of the sponsoring agencies.”
The fair also benefits sponsors, she adds. “It gives sponsors an opportunity to advertise their funding programs and network directly with faculty and the University's administrators,” she says.