Posted on Sept. 30: School of the Arts presents free lunchtime concerts

McMaster University's School of the Arts is serving up food for the soul, not for the stomach, free of charge, throughout its 2003-2004 concert season. The highly varied line-up of musicians being offered on selected Tuesdays at lunchtime is designed to satisfy the tastes of music lovers everywhere.
The first performance takes place today, (Tuesday, Sept. 30), and features internationally renowned Sitar player Partha Bose along with classical Indian vocalist Esha Bandyopadyay. The husband and wife duo have returned from their native Calcutta following their highly acclaimed performances in 1999 and 2000 that took them across Canada and the United States.
On Oct, 28, pianist Gloria Saarinen, a veteran of the solo concert stage, joins violinist Cory Gimmell and cellist Tom Mueller as the piano trio Trilogy. Their vast repertoire includes the complete trios of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms, as well as works by Dvorak, Chausson, Arensky, Faure, Ravel, and Tchaikovsky.
Pianist Joseph Ferretti will be performing on Nov. 11. His career has taken him across North America and Europe as both a solo and collaborative artist. His experience and understanding of the classical genre has put him in high demand as an adjudicator and instructor. His program will feature music of Liebermann, Liszt, and Mendelssohn.
The final lunch performance offered in 2003 will take place on Nov. 25 and features the Hugh Hartwell Trio. This jazz trio has been referred to as the house band of McMaster University, and has enjoyed capacity attendance in previous lunchtime concerts. Masters of swinging jazz, this trio plays an eclectic mixture of standards and more unusual material. Getting there in time to get a good seat is the only worry about this concert.
All performances take place in Convocation Hall, UH-213. Admission is free.