posted on Sept. 28: Alcohol abuse front and centre at peer conduct hearings

Alcohol use played a major role in many of the hearings conducted by the Peer Conduct Board (PCB) during the 1999-2000 school year.
According to an annual report submitted to Senate this summer by May Keyes, associate vice-president of student affairs, many of the hearings involved the abuse of alcohol or actions that resulted from the abuse of alcohol.
The 1999-2000 term was the first time the hearing process, permitted under the Student Code of Conduct, involved a peer panel. Each hearing panel was composed of three students. Keyes reports that the system worked well and that students involved in investigations and hearings reported satisfaction that they were treated with respect and that sanctions were fair.
There were 83 cases brought before the panel, involving 105 students. In the previous year (1998-1999), 84 cases involved 128 individuals.
In addition to violations involving alcohol, the report notes that there were increased incidents of students smoking cannabis, damaging property, and using e-mail to threaten and/or harass, as well as an increase in violent crimes involving threats and weapons.