Posted on Sept. 26: McMaster’s newest researchers first recipients of new national graduate scholarhips in humanities, social sciences

Thirteen emerging McMaster scholars are the first recipients of a new national graduate scholarship program.
The master's students in the humanities and social sciences are among 800 students from across Canada who have received a one-year $17,500 Canada Graduate Scholarship.
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) announced Thursday that 37 McMaster students at the master's and PhD level and post-doctoral fellows received a total of $1.2 million in funding.
The Canada Graduate Scholarships – announced in the 2003 federal budget are part of a $105-million investment in 2,000 master's students and 2,000 doctoral students by 2007.
“We're delighted that there is a new program to fund master's students in the SSHRC disciplines,” said Fred L. Hall, dean of the School of Graduate Studies at McMaster University. “We look forward to a continuing increase in SSHRC's budget for future scholarships.”
The McMaster human and social scientists are involved in research that covers topics such as health promotion, cultural studies, sport training, globalization, and international business.
Some of the researchers and their projects are:
- Kelly Arbour, who will study the promotion of physical activity among middle-aged women (Canada Graduate Scholarship, $17,500 for one year).
- Sarah Eaton, who will study the politics of international accounting standard-setting (Canada Graduate Scholarship, $17,500 for one year).
- Latham Hunter, whose doctoral research topic is The celluloid cubicle: regressive constructions of masculinity in 1990s office movies (Doctoral Fellowship, $19,000 for one year).
- Clare MacMahon, whose doctoral research is titled Expertise in officiating: a cognitive approach to skilled perception and performance (Doctoral Fellowship, $19,000 for one year).
For a complete list of McMaster recipients please go to the SSHRC Web site at