Posted on Sept. 26: Albert Lager Lecture Series launches with bugs that roar and oil and water

The McMaster Alumni Association is presenting two Albert Lager Lecture Series events next week.
On Tuesday, Sept. 30, Mark Loeb will present The Bugs That Roared: SARS and West Nile.
Although far less significant threats than automobile accidents, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and West Nile Virus instantly commanded the attention of the media and the general public. Loeb is an infectious diseases specialist and medical microbiologist at McMaster to whom both the media and the government have turned for answers about these mysterious microscopic hazards to health. This internationally respected medical researcher will confront the problems of investigating and managing these dangerous invaders.
On Thursday, Oct. 2, Atif Kubursi, will present a lecture on Oil and Water Never Mix Except in the Middle East.
Few regions of the world have their fortunes, livelihood and destiny as fundamentally tied to two basic natural resources as the Middle East. The scarcity of water and the abundance of oil in the region explains virtually the entire political and economic structure, performance and problems of the region. Kubursi will discuss the Arab world's development record in the 1980s and 1990s impeded by deficits in freedom, empowerment of women and knowledge based economy. Discover how these deficits suggest that economic development in the region is tightly tied to socio-economic dysfunctions which require socio-economic solutions.
Both lectures will take place in the Council Chambers, Gilmour Hall, Rm. 111 from 7-8:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per person and includes light refreshments. The deadline to register for The Bugs That Roared: SARS and West Nile is Monday, Sept. 29. The deadline to register for Oil and Water Never Mix Except in the Middle East is Wednesday, Oct. 1.
For more information or to register call: ext. 23900, 1-888-217-6003 or e-mail alumni@mcmaster. A brochure is available at Brochure Fall 2003.pdf.