Posted on Sept. 23: International Women’s Health Symposium empowers, protects

Nearly 600,000 women die of obstetrical complications yearly and for every one death, at least another 30 will sustain significant illness or disability.
This staggering statistic is one reason experts in research, law, public health and gender issues are coming together to explore health-related challenges faced by women in developing countries.
The fifth annual International Women's Health Symposium takes place Friday, Sept. 26 at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington. Entitled, “Protecting the Vulnerable: Empowering Their Voices”, the event hosts speakers such as James Orbinksi, Rebecca Cook and Leilia Bisharat, among others.
Click here for more information and a registration form.
Topics and speakers include:
- The Space to Be Human: Protecting the Vulnerable — James Orbinski (recipient of Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of Doctors Without Borders)
- How Can We Empower the Voices of the Vulnerable: A Lawyer's Perspective — Rebecca Cook (International Women's Health law expert)
- Silent Endurance: Are the Barriers Falling? — Leila Bisharat (director, Women's Heath, JSI)
- Peace Through Health With War Affected Children — Joanna Santa Barbara (past president of Physicians for Global Survival)
- Empowering the Community to Understand and Implement Strategies to Promote Women's Health — May Cohen (professor emeritus, gender specialist)
- Working Through Difficult Case Studies in International Women's Health May Cohen