posted on Sept. 22: Universities’ Fair in Toronto begins today

OAC students who are planning to enter a university in September 2001
can get a “smart” start on their post-secondary education at the 2000 Ontario Universities' Fair which begins today in Toronto and continues through the weekend.
Representatives from over 17 McMaster academic areas and service
departments will be operating in high gear over the next three days to inform more than 40,000 students about the many merits of McMaster University.
The objective of the fair is to help OAC students choose with care a
university that best suits their focus. High school students who are
planning to graduate in June 2001 have to apply to universities by
Nov. 30.
The University's Student Liaison Office expects this to be one of the largest recruitment fairs ever.
“We hope to create an interest in McMaster, especially for those students who are still undecided (about their choice of institution),”says Bonnie Crocker, liaison officer.
A total of over 130 McMaster faculty and staff will be helping out at the University's booth. “We really couldn't do this without them,” Crocker says.
The fair is being held at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre and is open from 12 noon to 7 p.m. on the Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday.