posted on Sept. 20: Undergraduate and graduate enrolment numbers are strong

Preliminary undergraduate and graduate enrolment numbers for the 2000- 2001 academic year were reported at the Sept. 13 meeting of Senate.
Full-time undergraduate student enrolment stands at 12,365, with 3,976 students enrolled in Level I. This is the largest first-year class in McMaster's history.
The total full-time undergraduate enrolment exceeds last year's total at this time by 221 students. Level I enrolment last year totalled 3,599.
While some 400 more students are enrolled in Level I this year than last, University registrar George Granger says this year's figures exceed the 2000-01 Level I target of 3,781 (set in November 1999) by 5.2 per cent or approximately 200 students.
The part-time student enrolment figure, 1,957, is approximately the same as last year. Granger says late registration numbers should tell the full story on part-time undergraduate enrolment.
At the graduate level, dean of graduate studies Fred L. Hall reported that 1,558 full-time graduate students were enrolled as of noon on Sept. 13.
“The numbers look strong for full-time and part-time graduate students,” says Hall. Some 270 part-time graduate students are registered for studies this fall.
Hall reported that this year's full-time enrolment figures are slightly higher than the 1,284 reported at last year's Senate
meeting, a difference that he attributed to a difference of several days in the dates of reporting.