Posted on Sept. 17: New medical journal launched by McMaster students


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Jennifer Shapiro, Orli Goldberg”]Most students go to the library to read research published by other people, but a group of McMaster's medical students were recently in the health sciences library to launch their own journal.

Students and members of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) celebrated the inaugural publication of The McMaster University Medical Journal, a student-run, peer-reviewed publication.

The journal is in keeping with the medical program's drive to cultivate and nurture innovative minds, says Orli Goldberg, the editor-in-chief and a third-year medical student.

“We want to both to celebrate the unique elements of McMaster's program and to create a forum to share creative ideas and insightful discussions.”

The publication will have an emphasis on evidence-based medicine, a key tenet of the medical program, as well as a focus on problem-based learning, health policy, medical ethics and how social issues impact personal health.

The first issue includes a perspective on “medical tourism”; an interview with the medical school's founder, John Evans; a review of the concept of evidence-based medicine; a look at forensic pathology as a medical career; and original research on how patients' decisions are affected by how information is presented. Almost all writers are McMaster students or faculty.

Jennifer Shapiro, the executive editor and a third-year medical student, said the journal adds breadth to the students' learning.

“The knowledge we gain will make us better leaders and advocates for the local, national, even international, communities that we'll serve.”

John Kelton, dean and vice-president of the Faculty of Health Sciences, said the students are to be congratulated for their initiative and leadership.

“It's been a long time coming,” he said. “This group of forward-thinking students have launched a journal that brings together the unique facets of McMaster health sciences: innovation, collaboration and an investment in evidence-based health care that is rooted in societal need.”

He added the journal also gives the students the opportunity to develop academic writing.

“The peer-review process can be intimidating, but it is an integral part of scholarship. These early experiences will enhance their ability to contribute to the medical community.”

The journal also showcases the strong partnership between students, faculty and staff at FHS. Both Goldberg and Shapiro expressed their gratitude toward faculty advisors, especially Alan Neville, assistant dean of the undergraduate MD program.

Goldberg expressed her hope for the future of the journal: “I hope the journal can serve as a hub for students at every level,” she said.

Jennifer Shapiro, left, and Orli Goldberg with Volume 1, Issue 1 of the McMaster University Medical Journal. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay