Posted on Sept. 11: Marauders line makes buffet owners quake

If you happen to find yourself being jostled in the buffet line at Hamilton's Mandarin restaurant tonight don't take offence. It's just the McMaster Marauders' offensive line showing up for dinner.
Every Thursday night most of the nine-member Marauder offensive line unit, who excel at moving people out of their way, get together to do one of their favourite things: eat.
“That's what I like to do. I'm pretty good at it,” Andy Zaremba, the 6-foot-2, 270-pound left guard, says of his ability to consume massive amounts of protein and carbohydrates in single sittings.
Last week the fellas, who collectively weigh over 2,500 pounds or more than a mature Clydesdale, consumed enough Red Lobster 'ultimate feasts' to keep a small Maritime village employed for a month.
“Our favourite pastime is eating,” confirmed Fabio Filice, the 6-foot-2, 296 pound offensive tackle, who revealed the boys' dinner plans at the Mandarin tonight.
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