posted on Oct. 4: Recycling program to be restored

The issue between the Hamilton Fire Department and the University over
the blue bin recycling initiative has been resolved.
The University will install non-combustible containers that will be
fixed into position in their selected locations in foyers and open
areas. “We will probably move to metal containers,” says Ron Angus,
acting director, risk management services. However, he says there will likely not be as many locations as before. And none of the bins will be located in narrow corridors.
In November 1999, as the result of a fire department inspection, the
University removed its distinctive – and popular – blue plastic bins.
Fire department officials felt that a fire would not be contained within the bins and that bins located in narrow corridors posed a hazard to people exiting the building during a fire.
Angus is pleased that a satisfactory solution has resulted from ongoing discussions with risk management, physical plant and the fire department.
Risk management services recognizes the need for recycling options and
the desire on the part of the University community to have a recycling
program on campus, he says. “We hope to have recycling back in place by the end of this term.”