posted on Oct. 27: Health Sciences celebrates excellence today

More than 400 health professionals are gathering at the Faculty of Health Sciences today for a Celebration of Excellence. Participants will hear presentations from some of the Faculty's finest scientists, showcasing the strength and depth of scientific talent at McMaster.
Lectures will be held in HSC-1A1 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
9 a.m Andrea Baumann:
Rethinking the traditional health care organization; Issues of
Commitment and Productivity
9:30 a.m. Fraser Mustard:
Research Quality and Innovation in a new Faculty of Health Sciences
10:30 a.m. John Bienenstock:
The Wa(o)nderings of a Scientist in the Mind-Body Connection
11 a.m. Russell Joffe:
Depression: A New Perspective
11:30 a.m. John Kelton:
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia: When a Good Drug Goes Bad
1:30 p.m. Jack Gauldie:
Translating from Gene to Therapy
2 p.m. Salim Yusuf:
Global and Ethnic Variations in the Burden of Cardiovascular
2:30 p.m. Steve Collins:
Montezuma's Revenge: From Beach to Bedside
3:30 p.m. Paul O'Byrne:
Allergen-Induced Asthma: The Cat is Out of the Bag
4 p.m. Sandra Witelson:
Neurobiology of Cognition
4:30 Jack Hirsh:
The Discovery, Development and Evaluation of Low Molecular Weight