posted on Oct. 26: New sprinkler system to be installed in Health Sciences Centre

A new sprinkler system will be installed and fire alarms replaced in the Health Sciences Centre.
Design work and the tendering process have started after the Board of Governors approved the project at its Oct. 19 meeting.
The total cost of the work is $9 million, with the University's share amounting to an estimated $3.7 million.
In documentation to the Board, Bob Carter, director of physical plant, said a study conducted earlier this year indicated installing a sprinkler system would be the best solution for upgrading the facility and accommodating any future renovations.
As well, Carter said in an interview if renovations are made to the 31-year-old building, it would be extremely costly to have the renovation work adhere to current Ontario Building Code requirements for fire membranes.
Combining the sprinkler installation with the previously approved fire alarm work makes sense, he added. “You have to do it at the same time because you have to break them into zones,” Carter said. “There's synergy in combining the two into one.”
The installation work is expected to take at least two years. The project is expected to go to tender in March 2001 after the Ontario fire marshal's office, the Hamilton building department and the Hamilton fire department approve the work.