Posted on Oct. 22: CIS restructuring explores new possibilities

McMaster's Computing & Information Services (CIS) has restructured most of its organization into two new areas infrastructure and information management.
“The new structure will help us focus our energies and resources more closely on administrative computing and infrastructure services and support,” says Pat O'Day, director of CIS.
CIS has experienced both a change in mandate and a reporting line change to the assistant vice-president administration over the past year, explains O'Day. “We anticipate the new organization will benefit our clients by simplifying our structure and better positioning our resources to meet their changing needs and service expectations. Within CIS, the new structure is expected to generate more synergy between groups and enable us to explore new possibilities in both services and technology.”
The infrastructure component will include the software group, network group, database analysts and security. Information services will consist of the systems analysts, programming group and the LAN (Local Area Network) support group.
Brian McEntegart will lead the infrastructure component as associate director for Infrastructure Systems and Support. With a strong technical background and infrastructure experience, McEntegart will evaluate a range of options and match the appropriate technology and resources to support both short- and long-term business requirements.
Heather Grigg will lead the information services area as associate director for Information Services. Grigg has acted as a consultant on a number of University-wide initiatives — both technical and non-technical.
“We are confident that these changes will help CIS successfully meet our changing role and responsibilities,” O'Day says, noting more changes are expected as feedback is received from customer focus groups, the IT review process and CIS staff.
“Our administrative leadership believes it will be an exciting time
where we can acquire new skills and seek out new and different