Posted on Oct. 21: Researchers rank McMaster as the place to be

If you're a researcher working outside the United States, McMaster is the place to be, according to a leading science magazine.
McMaster placed fifth in a survey by The Scientist, in which 2,210 full-time researchers from the United States, Canada, and western Europe assessed their working environments, including pay, benefits, resources and infrastructure.
In the third annual survey, Dalhousie University in Halifax placed first, followed by INRA Research Center at Versailles-Grignon in France, University of Dundee in Scotland and the University of Alberta. The University of Toronto placed eighth.
According to an article in The Scientist, a majority of scientists ranked their relationships with colleagues as important, followed by core facilities — the libraries, microscopes, and up-to-date buildings. They also praise institutions that provide the funding they need to tide them over when the grants they write themselves fail to cover all their costs. Researchers also want to ensure that assistant professors and lecturers get the money they need to start their research.