Posted on Oct. 18: Polanyi Prizes awarded to four McMaster researchers

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Polanyi recipients”]Four exceptional University researchers are the recipients of the prestigious John Charles Polanyi Prizes this year, making McMaster one short of a clean sweep for 2002.
The new researchers were awarded the honours in the areas of chemistry, economics, physics and physiology/medicine.
Their fields of research cover polymers and carbon nanotubes, economic household welfare, star clusters and cancer cells.
The recipients are:
- Alex Adronov, assistant professor of chemistry, for Chemistry
- Thomas Crossley, assistant professor of economics, for Economics
- Alison Sills, assistant professor of physics & astronomy, for Physics
- Jeremy Yethon, a postdoctoral fellow in biochemistry, for Physiology/Medicine.
The recipient in the Literature category is from The University of Western Ontario.
The Polanyi Prizes, worth $15,000 each, are awarded annually to young researchers in the early stages of their career who are working at an Ontario university.
The Ontario government established the prizes in 1986 to recognize the achievement of Dr. John Charles Polanyi of the University of Toronto, who was a co-recipient of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in reaction dynamics.
The recipients will be honoured in November at a ceremony in Toronto.
Photo caption: McMaster University researchers and recipients of the 2002 John Charles Polanyi Prizes pictured clockwise from bottom left are: Alison Sills, Jeremy Yethon, Alex Adronov and Thomas Crossley. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay