posted on Oct. 13: Send in your favourite recipes, one and all

The first United Way cookbook arrived as the Gilmour Hall Cookbook in 1996 and completely sold out that year at the Marketplace fundraiser.
This year, the United Way committee is preparing a millennium edition of the United Way cookbook. Campaign committee co-chair Tina Horton says “We hope this initiative will bring retirees, staff, faculty and students together to celebrate the cultural and collective history of our unique working environment.” The cookbook has been registered as a millennium project.
Horton is inviting members of the McMaster community to send in their favourite recipes and accompanying memories from either home or McMaster events. “Think back to those great department pot-luck lunches, and baby, bridal or retirement showers where you and your colleagues 'chowed down' on fabulous food. Or share with us your favourite holiday recipe and what it means to you,” says Horton.
Recipe forms are available at the Web site listed below or by contacting a member of the cookbook committee at, ext. 24325 or ext. 24766. The deadline for submissions is Oct. 31.
The cookbook will be sold for $10 at the annual Marketplace, to be held from 12 noon-1:30 p.m. on Nov. 30 in the Council Chamber, Gilmour Hall.