posted on Oct. 13: 150 certificate and diploma students graduate this evening

Friday the 13th will prove to be a lucky day for the more than 150 certificate and diploma students who will celebrate their graduation at Convocation Hall this evening during the 1999-2000 Certificate & Diploma Graduation and Awards Ceremony.
A wonderful mix of tradition and spontaneous celebration, the ceremony will host family and friends of the students, cheering them on as they graduate from programs they have completed, often in addition to full-time employment demands and family commitments.
This year will mark the third year that the Centre for Continuing Education and the McMaster Association of Part-time Students (MAPS) have held a traditional graduation ceremony, minus the caps and gowns.
The evening will feature opening remarks by Mel Hawkrigg, Chancellor of McMaster University, and an address on the importance of lifelong learning by guest speaker Dave Borsellino, vice-president, manufacturing at Dofasco.
MAPS Centennial Award
Graduate Tim Drumm has persevered in not only overcoming a nine-year battle with an addiction to cocaine, but in also excelling academically and successfully completing the challenging Addictions Careworker Diploma program.
CCE Instructor Appreciation Award
Helen Gallier-Morgan has taught French courses for as many as 325 students each year since 1977. Gallier-Morgan's development and effective use of several software programs combined with her teaching devotion has resulted in rave reviews from students yearly.
MAPS Instructor Award
Blair Pollard has combined his daily job as manager of human resources planning at the Royal Bank with the instruction of the Organization Behaviour course for the past 11 years. Pollard's course evaluations are consistently exceptional – highlighting him as one of the most dependable and conscientious instructors at CCE.