posted on Oct. 12: 400 high school students will gather at McMaster for Engineering Olympics

“Now that the Olympics are over in Australia, we want a crack at it,” enthuses Bob Loree, director of Level I engineering.
Vying for McMaster entrance awards, a coveted trophy and bragging
rights, more than 400 students from over 26 high schools from across
Ontario will compete in a “mental track meet” as they race against the
clock in battles of logic, strategy and mental endurance.
Throughout the day tomorrow (Friday Oct. 13) participants will engage in a smorgasbord of events at McMaster which are designed to whet
their appetite for engineering.
Using mirrors, beam splitters and a dispersive optical element, for example, students will construct an instrument that can separate light into its wavelength components.
Under the “big top,” a huge white tent outside the John Hodgins
Engineering Building, will feature a quiz show called “Who Wants to Save a Life?” The show's set, music and question format will have all the buzz of the popular TV program “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” This event is sponsored by the Industrial Accident Prevention Association.
Besides the competition and game show, a wide range of activities have
been planned for the students, including poster displays, campus tours
and professional development sessions for high school teachers. As well, demonstrations and hands-on labs by faculty and engineering students are scheduled throughout the day. Plus high-calibre employers in the field of engineering are setting up information stands and booths.
Loree says, “today's young people need not only encouragement to pursue their interests in engineering, but also greater exposure to the breadth of the field and the range of career opportunities.”
Approximately $40,000 in McMaster University Engineering entrance awards will be given to winners.
For more information, or for the schedule of events, visit the Engineering Olympics Web site via the link below.