posted on Nov. 9: Outstanding graduands honoured at today’s Convocation ceremonies
Interests in medicine, electrical engineering, women's literary history and music are the areas of study that helped send this year's two student award winners to the podium today at Fall Convocation.
Alisha Kassam, an electrical engineering student who wants to become a doctor, won the Chancellor's Gold Medal for 2001 for her high academic achievement and volunteering. Click on Chancellor's Gold Medal winner: Alisha Kassam for a profile of Kassam.
Leslie Ritchie, who obtained her PhD in the Faculty of Humanities and is now in the Department of English at Queen's University, is the winner of the Governor General's Academic Medal. Click on Governor General's Academic Medal winner: Leslie Ritchie for a profile of Ritchie.
More than 760 graduands from McMaster's six Faculties will receive their degrees today during Convocation Fall 2001.
Undergraduate and graduates degrees will be conferred on students from the Faculties of Business, Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts & Science Program during the morning ceremony.
In the afternoon, undergraduate and graduate degrees will be conferred on students from the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Health Sciences.