posted on Nov. 9: Chancellor’s Gold Medal Winner: Carl Rothfels

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Carl Rothfels”]When Carl Rothfels got a message from literature professor Jean Wilson
last week to call her as soon as possible he wondered what
was up. Was he in trouble? What did he do?
The news she had for him was good. He has won this year's Chancellor's Gold
“I was completely surprised and I still feel a little strange about it. There are a number of people who have done so much. I'm not
entirely sure why I was selected.”
Rothfels, who describes himself as a “chronic generalist” who has a
difficulty narrowing himself down to a specific path and area
of specialization, is currently completing his final year of a five-year Combined Honours Arts & Science and Biology Program.
While maintaining a straight-A record in academics he has been an avid
He is an active member of the Hamilton Naturalist's Club, the Field
Botanists of Ontario, the Ontario Field Ornithologists and the
Toronto Entomologists' Association. For the past six summers he has
been employed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
as a naturalist at Algonquin Park.
His involvement in conservation and social activism has led to his
participation in the activities of the Friends of the Red Hill
Valley, and his attendance at a Great Lakes Student Summit.
On campus, Rothfels has been a board member of the Ontario Public Research
Interest Group-McMaster and served as a writing
tutor for the Centre for Student Development. He is currently a TA for the
Arts & Science Program.
Rothfels plans to take some time off to travel and work when he graduates.
The Chancellor's Gold Medal is awarded to the student who has completed the
penultimate year of any four- or five-year program
at the most recent spring review, and who ranks highest in scholarship,
leadership and influence.