Posted on Nov. 8: McMaster will pause to remember

The Toronto Star reports that poppy sales have soared this year. The legion believes the fight against terrorism is partially responsible for the increased demand for poppies they are seeing this year.
Some may wear a poppy as a sign of respect for those who lost their lives in the fight for freedom. Others wear poppies as a sign of remembrance so they may never forget the loss of life.
Remembrance Day ceremonies will be taking place around the world on Monday, Nov. 11, including a ceremony at McMaster from 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. in Convocation Hall.
The Office of Alumni Advancement invites all students, faculty and staff to the ceremony which will honour those members of McMaster University who gave their lives in World War I and World War II. McMaster President Peter George will read the Honour Roll.
Also speaking at the event will be McMaster Chancellor Melvin Hawkrigg and McMaster Students Union president Evan Mackintosh, who will read a Remembrance Day poem. There will also be a Remembrance Day reading by Anne Plessl, development officer in Mills Memorial Library.