Posted on Nov. 6: McMaster launches United Way campaign

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”United Way launch”]The McMaster University Student Centre was a popular place today (Wednesday, Nov. 6) with the launch of McMaster's United Way campaign and the distribution of Noam Chomsky tickets.
McMaster's United Way campaign, which runs until Nov. 29, aims to raise $165,000 for charities such as the Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Multicultural Council, Sexual Assault Centre and YMCA.
Pictured at the launch, from left, are McMaster's United Way campaign co-chairs Dorothy Pawluch, professor of sociology and Mary Lynn Taylor, administrative secretary in Human Resources, Health Sciences; Winston Tinglin, CEO of United Way of Burlington, Hamilton-Wentworth; Janyce Robinson, acting campaign director of United Way of Burlington, Hamilton-Wentworth; Peter George, McMaster President; Tina Horton, McMaster United Way Organizing Committee and program co-ordinator in the Registrar's Office; and Yosh Kitamura, lead hand in the sciences and engineering machine shop.
Faculty, staff and students also were lined up for tickets at the Compass Information Centre to see Noam Chomsky, who will speak at McMaster on Nov. 12, as a Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor. This lecture is sponsored by the Centre for Peace Studies, the Department of Labour Studies and the Russell Centre, McMaster University. The lecture will be at 8:30 p.m. in the Burridge Gymnasium, Ivor Wynne Centre, McMaster University. Click here for a profile on the lecture.