Posted on Nov. 5: Theatre & Film Studies presents John Mighton’s Possible Worlds

McMaster's new Theatre & Film Studies program presents John Mighton's Possible Worlds, a science fiction/murder mystery about a killer who steals his victims' brains.
The McMaster alumnus' play involves 45 McMaster students, including 30 students who are earning academic credit for their work on the show. The team is guided by professionals including director Paul Rivers, lighting and set designer Taras Cymbalisty, costume designer Jane Mallory and sound designer Ranil Sonnadara.
Click here for a recent story about the production in The Hamilton Spectator.
Mighton completed a Master's degree in Philosophy at McMaster University and is currently completing a PhD in Mathematics at the University of Toronto. He also wrote the screenplay for a recent film adaptation of Possible Worlds and won Governor General's Literary Award for Drama in 1992, for the Playwrights Canada Press publication of Possible Worlds. Mighton consulted on the mathematical models for Good Will Hunting, in which he acted a small role as a graduate student in mathematics.
The play will take place in Robinson Memorial Theatre, Chester New Hall, Room 103. Performances will be held Nov. 15, 16, 20, 21, 22 and 23 at 8 p.m., with a special 7 p.m. performance and panel discussion on Nov. 19. The special performance will be followed by a round table panel discussion featuring distinguished academics from across campus. The panel will address various philosophical and ethical issues raised by the play, including the role that theatre can play in providing a forum for such topics. The audience will be invited to ask questions and join in the discussion.
Tickets for the show are $15 for adults and $10 for students/seniors and can be purchased by calling the Box Office at 905-525-9140 ext. 27056.