Posted on Nov. 5: Microbiologist awarded distinguished service award

Max Chernesky was recently granted the Canadian College of Microbiologists Distinguished Service Award for 2003. The award is presented annually to a member of the college who has combined high academic standards with dedicated service to Microbiology in Canada.
Chernesky's award includes a plaque, an endowment of $1,000, and an invitation to speak at the Canadian Association of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases meeting.
He joined the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster in 1973. In 1984 he was appointed to professor within the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine. During his career with the department, Chernesky has published more than 170 papers, served on numerous committees and provided valuable insight into infectious diseases through his research activity. His leadership roles have been numerous, including appointment as president of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists (1983-84), chairman of the STD/HIV Committee for the Canadian Infectious Disease Society (2001-continuing), chairman of the Laboratory Proficiency Virology Testing Program for Ontario (1989-1994), and chairman of the WHO STD Diagnostics Initiative (1994-2000). He has also been president of the Canadian College of Microbiologists (1989-91) and the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology (1988-90).
Among his other accomplishments, Chernesky was director of Medical Microbiology in the HRLMP in Hamilton from 1990 to 2000. He was founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Clinical Virology (1992-98) and received the Diagnostic Virology Award from the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology in 1996.