Posted on Nov. 4: UnivMail to replace McMail e-mail service

The older McMail-based e-mail service is being replaced with a more modern machine which will enable a number of enhancements, including secure access, and tools to help deal with virus infected attachments and 'junk mail'.
Faculty, staff and graduate students are requested to move from McMail to the new UnivMail server by December 15, 2003.
Detailed instructions are available at The old McMail server will be decommissioned in December 2003.
Customers can manage mail on UnivMail using their choice of e-mail client software on their PCs, including PC-Pine, Netscape Messenger, Outlook and Outlook Express or any other e-mail client that supports IMAP or POP. (While telnet access to the machine is not possible as it was on McMail, the PC-Pine interface is similar in functionality and appearance.) In addition, access to mail using a Web browser interface is available, which can be particularly useful when traveling away from your customary PC.
Security is enhanced with UnivMail since encrypts passwords (SSL, TLS), as well providing secure web browser access (HTTPS). SPAM filtering, virus detection and mail relay prevention are included, so UnivMail will ensure that far fewer viruses are spread via Email attachments than was the case with McMail. Customers using UnivMail from home with another Internet Service Provider (ISP) can configure their Email client to use UnivMail to send outgoing messages.
Disk space allocation (quota) has been substantially increased by default (from 10 MB on McMail to 25 MB), to enable the customer's inbox to be included within quota, as well as accommodating larger average message sizes, since attachments are now more frequent. Managing disk space remains an important consideration, since shared resources are limited. Customers who have purchased additional space will have the additional amount added to their current quota.
Each day, the UnivMail system will check e-mail accounts against each individual's quota, and a notice will be sent to customers who have exceeded their quota requesting them to reduce their volume of saved e-mail. Customers have the option of archiving old e-mail files to their PCs (a simple 'cut and paste' operation with many e-mail clients), or purchasing additional disk space on UnivMail if they require a larger current collection. E-mail received by the customer will continue to be accessible even though the customer is temporarily over quota.
Customers are requested to use the standard e-mail addressing format: in all correspondence (i.e. avoid specifying the e-mail server's name), to ensure that e-mail continues to be delivered while any system changes take place, now or in future. This also avoids the need to reprint stationary when changes take place. E-mail sent to the machine-specific addresses: or will be redirected to your UnivMail account until Jan. 1, 2005. The old McMail server will be decommissioned in December 2003.
Contact the Helpline at ext. 24357 or e-mail