Posted on Nov. 4: More employees choose to stay at McMaster

[img_inline align=”right” src=””]On Monday, Nov. 3, 250 McMaster Employees were recognized for their years of service at an annual luncheon in the CIBC Banquet Hall of the McMaster University Student Centre.
Employees who dedicated 15, 20, 30, 35 and 40 years of service to date were invited to attend a luncheon and awards ceremony in their honor. The number of honorees has been on a steady increase since 2001, when the event hosted 163 staff members. This increase is partly due to the introduction of the cumulative service policy in October 2001, a policy created with the intention of recognizing the total service of University employees.
As well, more and more employees are choosing to remain at McMaster for the duration of their careers.
“Although each of you has a different reason for staying at McMaster for such a significant period of time, I hope that part of your reason is because you believe it is a good place to work,” said President Peter George. “We strive to provide a work environment that inspires your respective areas of expertise and provides professional challenges. We are determined to press for continuous improvements in the quality of McMaster's working environment. And for me there is something about the spirit and community at McMaster that transcends the issues of the day.”
For a complete list of 2003 award honourees, click on 2003 Years of Service Recognition Awards Web page.
Photo caption: Employees Maria Triantafillou (20 years), Vaso Tselepakis (15 years), and Elisa Coscarella (15 years) at the Nov. 4, 2003 Years of Service luncheon. Photo credit: Anthony Celani.