Posted on Nov. 3: Securtiy Services cleans house

Security Services will present its annual Lost and Found Clean Out Sale on Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the McMaster University Student Center, in front of the fireplace.
This year there are a record number of boxes of unclaimed found items. These items have been stored by Security Services for at least 90 days without being claimed. Security Services holds a sale of these items once a year. All proceeds from this sale go toward Campus Watch Programs. If there are any items remaining after the sale, they will be donated to Haiti relief.
Some of the items that will be sold at this sale include clothing, hats, mitts, scarfs, calculators, jewelry, sunglasses and umbrellas.
If you happen to lose something on campus contact Security Services at ext 24281 or by e-mail at For more information visit