Posted on Nov. 3: McMaster employees celebrate new lounges

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Campus lounge openings”]More than 100 McMaster employees gathered at the Campus Services Building on Oct. 21 and in the Commons Building on Oct. 28 to celebrate the dedication of two more employee lounges.
At the Campus Services Building lounge opening ceremony, President Peter George remarked that the employee lounges initiative is one of several employee-driven initiatives in the overall Working at McMaster' project. George said that Working at McMaster' is a promise to continuously seek excellence as an employer; to value highly the relationship with employees; and to constantly seek to improve the quality of work life at the University.
The response of local employees to the new lounge space was enthusiastic. Administrative assistant Alex Coldwell, who is located in the Campus Services Building, said: “New windows, new air handling, new kitchenette, new furnishings, computer access, art . . . this is absolutely fabulous.” Of the Commons' employee lounge, Hospitality employee Vojka Jovanovic said, “Thank you, thank you, we love our new lounge.”
Other senior sponsors of these new lounges are Tony Cupido, director of physical plant; Phil Wood, associate vice-president of student affairs; Albert Ng, director of hospitality services; and Karen Belaire, vice-president of administration.
The development of these new lounge spaces was facilitated by the Working at McMaster' Employee Lounges Steering Committee. The mandate of the Steering Committee is to audit space, develop locations, and recommend design guidelines, and build/renovate employee lounges. With a renewed financial commitment from the Budget Committee through the vice-president of administration, the Employee Lounges Steering Committee is turning its attention to future employee lounge projects.
Current members of the Employee Lounges Steering Committee include: Leah Allan (chair), Department of Chemistry; Linda Axford, University planner; Ingrid Ellis, Facilities Management, Health Sciences; David Kidney, Audio-Visual Services; Deanna Maerz, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Muriel McKay, Learning Technologies Resource Centre; and Stephen Shurvin, Physical Plant.
For more information about the Working at McMaster' Employee Lounges Steering Committee, visit the Employee Lounges Web page.
Photo caption: Top photo: At the Campus Services lounge opening, pictured in front, left to right: Leah Allan, Tony Cupido, President Peter George, Alex Coldwell, Linda Axford, Joe Axisa, Dan Pasel, Peter Ireson, Tim Kupi, David Kidney, Ingrid Ellis, Stephen Shurvin. Bottom photo: At the Commons lounge opening, pictured left to right: Muriel McKay, Evica Kostic, Ida Beltrano, Vojka Jovanovic, Leah Allan, Albert Ng, Phil Wood, Marc Mallinson, Phanny Ly, Joseph Michaels. Photo credit: Anthony Celani