Posted on Nov. 24: Rub-a-dub-dub, three girls in a tub

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Bathtub Project”]The bathtub in the McMaster University Students Centre marketplace overflows with generosity. Toothbrushes, hotel-sized lotion bottles, bars of deodorant and little yellow ducks nearly spill over the side, as another person walks up and hands a bag of items to donate.
The immense goodwill of McMaster is amazing to the five co-ordinators of the first annual Rub a Dub Dub, Drop Your Stuff in the Tub project. The co-ordinators — Jessica Waserman, Hanieh Rahimi, Alana Kayfetz, Cole Bassarab and Stephanie Forrest — as well as an army of volunteers are collecting toiletries and stocking stuffer toys for holiday gift baskets for battered women's and children's shelters of the Hamilton community.
“We have received phenomenal contributions so far,” says Kayfetz, a second-year communications and women's studies student. “We are overwhelmed by the response.”
The bathtub will be located in the McMaster University Student Centre marketplace today (Monday) and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Immediately following the project's Nov. 10 launch, students came to the organizers with bags of toiletries and cash donations. They also received several corporate donations, including boxes of toothbrushes from Johnson and Johnson, body lotion from Aveeno and travel-sized toiletries from local hotels. By Dec. 6, they hope to raise $1,000, which they will use to purchase additional toiletries most in need by the shelters.
Shelters that will benefit include Martha House, Mary's Place, Inasmuch Shelter, Interval House, Native Women's Center, Sexual Assault Center (Hamilton and Area) and the Women's Shelter of Hamilton.
The co-ordinators will donate the items to shelter representatives at McMaster's Dec. 6 memorial for the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Beginning at 7:30 p.m. in front of Gilmour Hall, McMaster will host a candlelight vigil and walk to remember victims of violence and the women killed on Dec. 6, 1989 at Ecole Polytechnique.
Not only does the project support battered women's shelters in the community, it has brought several campus groups together, including the Jewish Students Association (JSA), Muslim Students Association and Iranian Students Association, among others.
“The interactivity between the groups has been civilized and very supportive,” said Waserman, a second-year bachelor of health sciences student. “We're interacting as religious groups and not as political groups.”
Donations can be dropped off at the JSA office in the Commons Building, Rm. B103, the Chaplaincy Center, MUSC, Rm. 231 or they can be picked up upon request. To have donations picked up contact or call the JSA office at 905-522-7215. Donations also can be made at the Phoenix Fitness Health Club at 1685 Main Street West and at the Westdale high school and Dalewood Elementary School.
On Nov. 24 and 25 there will be a white ribbon campaign on campus for Men Against Violence Against Women. Men were asked to sign a contract against violence and will be given a white ribbon to wear. Both projects support Women's Abuse Prevention Month in November.
Photo caption: Taking a bath in the Rub a Dub Dub, Drop Your Stuff in the Tub bathtub, from left, are co-ordinators Alana Kayfetz, Jessica Waserman and Hanieh Rahimi. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay