posted on Nov.14: Contractors work to enclose University Centre before winter

Work on the new University Centre continues as the contractor tries to enclose as much of the building as possible before winter weather arrives.
Concrete pouring has been the main activity on the site in the last few weeks, said John Farrell, associate director of planning and construction, physical plant.
“We're trying to get as much concrete poured as we can before winter conditions hit us,” he said. “We're trying to enclose as much as we can.”
Farrell said the contractor has been working late every night, starting earlier in the morning to take advantage of the light and working Saturdays and some Sundays.
About 383 cubic metres of concrete was poured for the second floor in the northeast section of the building 10 days ago, Farrell said.
“It took 18 hours and they finished at 1 a.m.,” he said. “That's the largest pour to date.”
The contractor poured concrete for the remainder of the floor for the lower level that joins the northeast section with the section south of Gilmour Hall. Concrete for the curved wall and the first floor area south of Gilmour Hall is also complete.
Farrell said concrete work is partially completed on columns that extend from the ground floor to the second floor and forming work is being set up to pour the walls that will extend from the ground floor to the second floor. As well, the area covering the northeast section of the site is now linked to the podium area at Togo Salmon Hall with concrete.
The total cost of the 158,348 sq.-foot(about 14,251 sq.-metres) building, which involves new construction and renovated space, is $33.2 million. Construction costs account for $28.8 million.
The three-storey facility will feature extensive use of glass on the main and second floors, open courtyards and skylights as well as one floor built below ground.
Design provisions were made to ensure a rare Amur Cork tree that will be boxed in by the new facility will survive and be enjoyed by visitors to the centre.