posted on Nov. 13: Welcome Week Advisory Council seeks new members

Applications are being received until Monday, Nov. 27 for two faculty or staff positions and two student positions on the Welcome Week Advisory Council.
The council is reponsible for setting directions and priorities for the University's Welcome Week program, training student planners and leaders for the week, and ensuring that the Welcome Week program accomplishes the goals set for the week by the University. It meets most often in spring and fall, and provides advice and support for the University's Welcome Week Co-ordinators.
Applicants should be big-picture thinkers, committed to the University's vision and goals for Welcome Week, and able to work collegially and co-operatively. Faculty and staff serve a two-year term and students, one, beginning January 2001.
Apply by letter to: Welcome Week Co-ordinator, KTH-118; or by e-mail to by answering the following questions:
1. Welcome Week: Give us your thoughts.
2. What contribution would you like to make to Welcome Week through the Welcome Week Advisory Council?