posted on Nov. 13: Senate approves new graduate programs, chair in business innovation

The following is a summary of highlights of the Nov. 8 Senate meeting:
- Senate approved proposals for three new graduate programs in Engineering: a master's program in software engineering, a PhD program in software engineering and a PhD program in computer ccience. Thirty-two full- and part-time students are projected to be enrolled in the software engineering master's program and 16 in the PhD program by 2007. The computer science doctoral program is estimated to have 16 full- and part-time students by 2007.
- The Ombuds Office's annual report, written by Ombudsperson Shelley Lancaster, was referred to the Senate Executive Committee for further study. “It's a very detailed and informative report,” said President Peter George. “There are a number of items that have been drawn to my attention and I would like to refer it to Senate executive and look at some of the recommendations more closely.” Lancaster said she had had “great support” from the University during the year.
- Senate approved the establishment of the Wayne C. Fox Chair in Business Innovation in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business. In July, Fox donated $1 million to endow the chair. The appointment is for an initial five-year period with the possibility of renewal. The first stage of the selection process will be the responsibility of the Faculty Appointments Committee.
- President George welcomed and introduced the newly elected student Senators. The graduate senators are: Ed Ng (business), Ibrahim Deiab (engineering), Ryan Wiley (health sciences) and David Farr (social sciences). The undergraduate senators are: Candice Allinson (business), Nicole Richmond (social sciences) and Evan Mackintosh (humanities). No nominations were received from health sciences.
- New courses in the Theme School on Globalization, Social Change and the Human Experience have been approved in principle by Undergraduate Council and will be studied by the council's curriculum committee.