Posted on May 23: Mark May@Mac on Your Calendar

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Bring together 6,000 prospective students and their families, approximately 1,000 faculty, staff, and student volunteers, the beautiful McMaster campus, and what do you get? May@Mac of course.
Saturday, May 24 is the date of McMaster's annual open house for prospective students.
May@Mac is consistently one of the University's biggest events. Last year, between 4,500 and 5,500 students attended. This year, with double cohort students, organizers are expecting 6,000 high school students and their families to visit campus.
Events run between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. During that time, visitors can find out more about programs of study, have last minute admission or scholarship questions answered, take a self-guided tour, see some of the residences, check out the new Student Centre, and meet some of the friendly faces at Mac.
Each faculty and department across the University participates in May@Mac, offering sample lectures, opportunities to meet professors and students, and much more. As well, Student Financial Aid & Scholarship offers sessions on how to pay for a University education.
Student liaison officer Bonnie Crocker explains that this year, the open house falls while the University is still making its second round of offers of admission. She expects students who have received offers and students who are still awaiting offers to attend.
Visitors begin their days at the McMaster Marketplace. There, prospective students can pick up a final schedule of events for the day, learn about McMaster's many academic program areas, and meet representatives from student services and clubs.
Self-guided campus tours allow visitors to stroll around the campus at their leisure, with the option of stopping at various checkpoints where staff are available to answer questions and provide directions. Students will also have the opportunity to tour the residences, including the new Mary E. Keyes Residence.
Athletics and recreation department is also sponsoring a “Meet the Coaches” session where students can meet McMaster Marauder coaching staff.
New this year are several promotions from the Alternative Commuting & Transportation (ACT) Office. The ACT Office, in conjunction with the University's transit partners, is providing great incentives to make prospective students aware of the excellent transit that serves McMaster. Visitors to May@Mac have many options of how to get here. Including, free HSR bus tickets for those traveling within the Hamilton-area, free Burlington Transit tickets for Burlington-based travelers, and free GO Transit services for those coming from the GTA.
The final schedule of May@Mac events will be available in the Marketplace on Saturday. Family and friends are welcome and parking is free for this event.