posted on May 11: University/MUSA negotiations: Mediation phase begins

A structure for the mediation phase of the mediation/arbitration process was determined yesterday when negotiators for the University and the McMaster University Staff Association met with mediator George Adams.
The parties established a process for dealing with issues that are still outstanding and upon which agreement has not yet been reached. Each negotiating team also had an opportunity to talk with Adams.
“He queried us extensively and asked us to identify key issues,” says Mark Haley, assistant vice-president human resources. “It's clear that in a very short time he has developed an excellent grasp of the issues.”
Both parties were required to submit detailed briefs for Adams' review prior to yesterday's meeting.
The parties are scheduled to meet again on June 4, 5 and 6.
A retired judge, Adams was born in Hamilton and is an alumnus of McMaster. He is a former chair of the Ontario Labour Relations Board.