posted on March 5: Motorists charged for picket line driving infractions

About half a dozen charges have been laid against motorists for driving infractions relating to the picket lines set up at the
entrances to McMaster.
Ron Thorn, director of security services, says campus security is also investigating incidents involving a couple of
picketers who have been bumped by cars. To date, no one has been hospitalized. “We continue to urge motorists to use
care and caution and exercise patience when they are crossing the lines. There's only a fraction of a second between
someone being bumped and someone being seriously injured.”
Delays on Sterling Street have been longer than anticipated, says Thorn. He adds that the union has co-operated with
security services at the Cootes Drive and Main Street entrances where there have been a number of health and safety
issues. He remains hopeful that the waiting time for cars lined up at the Sterling entrance will be shortened.
“Motorists will have to slow down for the picketers and realize that people are exercising their legal right to picket,” says
For the protection of picketers and motorists alike, there are video cameras at each entrance to campus to record traffic
and picket activity. Thorn says the use of such cameras is common practise during a strike. The footage may also be used
to obtain an injunction.