Posted on March 28: Health notice regarding SARS

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) continues to affect people throughout the Greater Toronto Area. There are no confirmed cases at McMaster or in the Hamilton community, but the outbreak continues to be considered a public health emergency. Several GTA hospitals have closed their doors to public access in an effort to contain the
SARS outbreak.
The following information is provided as a precaution and to assist anyone who has reason to think they have symptoms related to the illness. If you have the following symptoms, please call TeleHealth at 1-866-797-0000 immediately:
- a fever over 38 degrees (C)
- respiratory difficulties including cough, shortness of breath or
difficulty breathing - if you've had close contact with anyone diagnosed with SARS or considered as a probable case (close contact' means having cared for, lived with or had face-to-face within one metre contact with, or having had direct contact with respiratory secretions and/or body fluids of a person with SARS)
- if, within the last 10 days, you have travelled to or from Asia where cases of SARS have been diagnosed, – specifically Hong Kong (Guangdong province), Singapore, Hanoi or Vietnam
- if there is no other known cause for symptoms you may have
- if you have visited Scarborough Hospital Grace Division, or been in direct contact with anyone who was, since March 16, 2003.
The TeleHealth service is available 24/7 and will provide you with the assistance of a nurse to help confirm if your symptoms are related to SARS.
For the McMaster community, the Campus Health Centre may also be called for assistance Monday to Friday at ext. 27700.
McMaster staff will remain in regular contact about the local status of SARS with Hamilton Health Sciences, the Campus Health Centre and Hamilton's Public Health office.