posted on March 28: Faculty association issues statement regarding preparation of final examinations

Statement from MUFA Executive Regarding Final Examinations
1. We believe that it is part of the normal duties of an instructor to
prepare a final examination for any course in which this was the agreed method of evaluation specified in the course outline. In the past, MUSA members have provided valuable assistance to some faculty members in the preparation of examination copy. Notwithstanding, we believe that the duty to submit examination copy could be fulfilled by providing handwritten copy to the department chair.
2.Two negotiated agreements, the Rights and Responsibilities of Faculty during Work Stoppages by Other Groups at McMaster University(Section 4) and the Rights and Responsibilities of Librarians during Work Stoppages by Other Groups at McMaster University (Section 5) cover the situation where a faculty member or librarian chooses not to perform their normally scheduled duties, which includes the submission of examination copy in some form. They are obliged to inform their chair, director or supervisor
that they will not be available for this scheduled duty, and this could mean the loss of a certain amount of pay.