posted on March 26: Students rally for resolution to McMaster strike

[img_inline align=”right” src=””]”This reminds me a lot of the '60s, folks!” Sam Minnitti, president-elect of the McMaster Students Union told the large crowd of students gathered outside Gilmour Hall Thursday afternoon (March 22).
Students listened while faculty members and student leaders talked about the current strike of university staff members during the McMaster Students Union's “Rally for Resolution.”
Faculty members urged students to get informed. “This is part of your education too,” said biology professor George Sorger. “This strike is about power and it's about respect. People who have no power are demanding respect from this University. The only way they can do that is by going on strike.”
Labour studies professor Donald Wells acknowledged the “massive frustration” felt by students who are just trying to get their work completed. He encouraged students “to get organized and to mobilize.”
Arts & Science professor Sara Mendelson spoke of the impact the strike was having on her students. “My students are always my first priority but I also support the strike, ” she said. “I will not do the work of striking support workers so I will hand in my exams when there is someone there to hand them in to.”
Bryce Rudyk, MSU vice-president finance, linked the labour unrest at the University to insufficient government funding. “Universities are getting less money than they have in 30 years. Newfoundland is the only province that gives less money to education than Ontario. The state of Alabama gives more money to its universities than Ontario does.”
“Students need to tell the Premier that funding cuts have hurt students. The cuts hurt our University and they hurt our staff,” said Rudyk. “…Poor funding gives us this strike.”
Photo: A part-time student addresses fellows students during a lunch time rally at McMaster last week.