posted on March 21: Students to hold rally tomorrow

McMaster University students are holding a rally on Thursday, March 22 to encourage a quick resolution to the on-going labour dispute between McMaster University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA).
MUSA has been on legal strike since March 2, 2001. The union represents support and research staff at McMaster University.
The rally, organized by the McMaster Student Union Community Relations and Student Life committees, will take place from 12:30 to 2 p.m. outside Gilmour Hall on the McMaster campus.
“The purpose of the rally is to demonstrate that this strike has had significant and negative impacts on our education and our educational community,” says Lisa Cunha, chair of the Community Relations Committee.
Library hours and services have been significantly reduced during the strike. Some classes and labs have been cancelled in departments such as labour studies, social work, engineering, philosophy and science.
“We want to bring all students together to share information and express our concerns,” says Matt Bloch, MSU executive board and SRA member. “We have invited students from all Faculties and residences as well as graduate and part-time students and faculty members.”
Students will be encouraged to share stories about how the labour dispute has affected them.