posted on March 19: Answers to frequently asked questions from students during the strike

The following information is provided by Student Affairs:
March 15, 2001
1. What am I expected to do during the MUSA strike?
The University remains open. As you have read in the “update letter to students” most classes continue to be held . . although a few have been cancelled. Those that have been confirmed as being cancelled are listed. Most services continue but have reduced hours of operation. You should try to maintain your course work and seek help from student services if needed.
2.Will the examination schedule be affected by the strike?
No. The registrar expects the final examination schedule to be posted by March 22. Watch the bulletin boards and MUGSI for this timetable. Students should allow extra time arriving for the examinations although no more than a five-minute delay should occur on the picket lines.
3. Will examinations be moved to off-campus locations?
No, the logistical issues are unworkable and would represent a greater inconvenience to students than crossing the picket lines.
4.My lease is up April 30. Will the examinations be finished by then?
It is expected that the regular schedule for examinations will be maintained and so the examinations should conclude by the end of April.
5. I am preparing a presentation for class, and I need audio-visual equipment. Is it possible to get a projector?
There is only one person in the audio-visual equipment department. He may be able to work with your instructor to make equipment available for your presentation. In lieu of power point presentations, all classrooms are equipped with an overhead projector and transparencies should be a suitable substitute.
6. Why are the libraries closed in the evenings and on Sunday and Monday?
The five management group employees, including the librarian, are trying to cover the MUSA work to have the libraries open for the 40 hours per week. The librarians and students who normally work in the libraries have been helpful in maintaining as many services as possible during the hours the libraries have been open.
It would be unsafe to have the libraries open without library staff members on duty who are aware of emergency procedures (fire alarm evacuation, power outages, etc).
The library hours were maintained on Saturdays to accommodate the part-time students who generally have full-time jobs during the week.
7. What advice can you give me about picket lines?
It is important that everyone – drivers, pedestrians and picketers – maintain safety and civility. In a labour dispute, picketers are legally permitted to:
– carry signs stating the nature of the dispute;
– speak to you about their concerns;
– ask you to join the picket line.
Picketers are supposed to keep moving and allow passage. Delays are likely. Please be patient, and observe the following:
– an agreement has been reached between the University and MUSA; no car should have to wait more than five-minutes maximum;
– proceed as normal, and if you are stopped, explain politely that you are exercising your legal right to attend class and wish to proceed;
– if you are not allowed through the picket line within the five- minute timeframe, do not attempt to force your way in; do not become involved in any arguments or any type of altercation; when you have entered the campus call Security Services at ext. 24281 and note the entrance, the time you entered and the time it took you to enter.
8. Will Hospitality Services have enough food to feed the residence students and all the cafeterias?
There is not a problem with food availability. The food suppliers have been delivering food regularly although many have been held up in the picket lines. All of the hospitality staff are working because they are members of a different union and as part of their contract are required to work during a work stoppage of another employee group.
9. I have McWork funding in a department where I am doing interesting work. Will it continue? I need to pay my rent.
All students employed by the University will be expected to report for work during the MUSA work stoppage.
10. Will my financial aid be affected?
The Student Financial Aid & Scholarships office is open and if you have specific questions consult the management employees there. More than 600 bursary awards were prepared last week. If you were notified that you had received a bursary your account will be credited and if you are to receive a refund it will be forwarded to you by the end of this week. If you have questions, send an e-mail to Financial Services :
11. I want to apply for McWork on campus during the summer. What should I do?
McWork jobs are for students who demonstrate financial need. Generally, students must have qualified for OSAP in the current academic year. Students who have not qualified for OSAP must provide a parental/spousal Notice of Assessment and complete a summer budget form which is available at Student Financial Aid in the racks outside the door of Hamilton Hall-404.
Students will now see McWork jobs posted on the CPEC
Web site. Before applying for one of these jobs, students must complete a McWork application form and submit it to the Office of Student Financial Aid in HH-404 to be assessed for financial need. The forms can be dropped off during current open hours (9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m.) or left in the drop box outside the office. Once these applications have been assessed, the decision is posted on MUGSI. When students see that they have been approved, they may then visit Student Financial Aid to pick up the approved form and take it to the employer of their choice. The employer is responsible for all interviewing and hiring activity and must complete the payment authorization section at the bottom of the McWork form when a student is hired. The employer will then return a copy of the authorization to Student Financial Aid and will usually, on request, provide a photocopy to the student.