Posted on March 18: Province launches biotechnology cluster innovation program

The Ernie Eves government is calling for regional biotech partnerships to submit proposals for funding to develop strategic plans that will help build Ontario's biotechnology capacity.
The request for plans is the first, $2-million phase of the $30-million Biotechnology Cluster Innovation Program (BCIP). The second, $28-million phase focuses on implementing the plans to support biotechnology infrastructure projects, such as commercialization centres, research parks and other regional initiatives that demonstrate entrepreneurship and innovation.
Mamdouh Shoukri, vice-president of Research & International Affairs at McMaster says, “Ontario has some of the best biotech researchers in the world. Programs like this will allow research intensive universities like McMaster to work in partnership with other stakeholders to capitalize on our research capabilities, transfer our technologies and create high-value jobs for our graduates.”
The BCIP's overall strategy is to accelerate the development of Ontario's biotechnology clusters by supporting commercialization infrastructure projects that will help create new companies. The program will also fund projects that integrate biotechnologies into knowledge-based and traditional industry sectors such as photonics, information technology, automotive, chemicals, agriculture and forestry.
Regionally based partnerships are invited to participate in the first
phase of the BCIP. These may be comprised of: industry, entrepreneurs,
municipalities, universities and other research institutions, researchers, colleges, venture capital firms and investors, federal government agencies and school boards.
The government will be accepting Expressions of Interest until April 8, 2003. For more information on the BCIP and how to participate, e-mail: